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Hello 2020!

It’s a brand new year so let me ask you a few questions…

  • Who do you want to be this year?
  • What kind of person do you want to be
  • What kind of things do you want to fill your time with?
  • Which people do you want to surround yourself with? 🤔🤔🤔

Tomorrow is the first blank page of a 365 page book. Write a good one.  –Brad Paisley

With a new year, comes New Years Resolutions. And New Years Resolutions are such a fun tradition… but man, they sure do get a bad rep sometimes, don’t they?

I feel like so often they’re created with the intention of being long term goals… but then they quickly turn into short term goals because people find them too hard and people simply give up.

Setting New Years Resolutions is more than just writing down something you want. (Ex: I want to lose weight, I want to save more money, I want to be a better mom/wife/friend, etc…)

It’s about really taking time to ✨reflect✨ on the previous year, diving deep into finding what your positive and negative habits are, and then using those habits to help you come up with the steps needed towards those resolutions so that you can always be GROWING and becoming BETTER day after day. Reflecting and goal setting is vital!

I believe that each one of us should always have ongoing, and more importantly… attainable, goals. And goal making shouldn’t only happen around New Years! Continue to make and adjust goals throughout the entire year!

And I also believe that life should be about striving for a healthy and happy lifestyle. And when we’re talking about having a healthy and happy lifestyle, a lot of that depends on your mental state. Therefore, it’s not always about focusing on the BAD stuff. When making goals, don’t just think of things to SUBTRACT out of your life. Think of positive things that you can be ADDING into your life as well.

We must be intentional with every area of our lives so that our priorities make sense and align with our day-to-day.

Remember: New Years Resolutions can be beneficial if done correctly!


I’ve created a simple list of TEN questions in a downloadable PDF form ( Click Here! ) that will help you look back and reflect on 2019 so that you can create realistic and attainable goals for 2020.

Simple Steps To Make Successful New Years Resolutions:

1. Reflect on the past year and educate yourself on areas where you excelled as well as areas where you could improve. (Use this free printable form to help!)
2. Use this information to make realistic goals and resolutions. (What do you want?) *Remember that goals can be what to TAKE OUT but also goals can be what to ADD IN.
3. Create practical steps that will help you reach your goals. Be specific. (How will you get what you want?)
4. Stay determined and make it happen.


Example of How To Make a Successful
New Years Resolution:

You might be thinking you want some kind of fitness-related or weight-related goal for 2020.

Step 1: Reflect On 2019.

  • What good and bad eating habits did you have in 2019?
  • What good and bad fitness habits did you have in 2019?
  • Use this Printable PDF to help with this step!

Step 2: Make Realistic and Attainable Goals and Resolutions. (What Do You Want?)

  • I want to work out more.
  • I want to eat healthier foods. I want to eat less junk food and less processed food.

*NOTE: If you make a resolution of “I want to lose weight”… it might not be easy to track, especially if it takes awhile. I recommend making goals that you can instantly succeed at… and that can absolutely still lead to a bigger goal such as losing weight. You are in complete control of working out more and of what you eat. These are things that you can easily track and have instant success with. Losing weight is the long-term goal… but you need to make some goals that can give you instant success and that you can measure daily to help you stay motivated.

Step 3: Practical Steps. (How Will You Get What You Want?)

  • I will drink more water.
  • I will drink less soda/wine/alcohol/anything with wasted calories.
  • I will limit how many times I eat out during the week.
  • If I do eat out, I will choose healthier options.
  • I will pack healthy snacks in my purse for moments when I am tempted to buy convenience food.
  • I will wake up earlier to fit in gym time.
  • I will work out 3 days a week.
  • I will brush my teeth right after eating dinner so that I’m not tempted to eat something for dessert. (*Ha! Yes, this is one of my goals for 2020! And it works!)

Step 4: Stay Determined and Make It Happen.

Keep a log. Track your workouts. Celebrate every success.

And what if you fail? What if you sleep in one day and miss your scheduled workout time… and then you eat like crap… and then you feel like crap… what do you do then?

You let it be one bad day. Then you wake up the next morning even more motivated to meet your goals for that day. Don’t let one day ruin your entire goal. Everybody has bad days. Everybody has cheat days. Everybody has days where they just feel “off”. Don’t let those days be what guide you.


Stay Determined and Make It Happen.


How bad do you want it? Because you’re going to have to work for it. Mentally prepare yourself for that. Because the hustle is going to be hard. And most likely, you’re going to have to work your booty off for it…

…but it’ll be worth it.

Happy New Years!

What are your resolutions for 2020?!? 

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