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Getting old is for the birds. 

Like seriously. Why the heck does everything have to change so drastically for a woman when we turn 30?!?  

Long gone are the days…

  • of going to bed without washing my face.
  • of remembering where I put my car keys.  
  • of jumping on the trampoline and not worrying about my bladder.
  • of eating pizza at 11:00pm without feeling bloated the next morning.
  • of wearing my high school jeans.
  • of “leisurely” working out.  Because once I turned 30, working out became a NECESSITY.

Ever since I turned thirty, I’ve had to continually rethink some of my habits and figure out how to live a healthier lifestyle.  

And let me preface this by saying:

It’s not about being “skinny”.  It’s absolutely about being “healthy”.
It’s not about weight or size.  It’s about having confidence and feeling good about yourself.
It’s about trying to be the healthiest person you are capable of being so that you can live the longest life that you possibly can in this beautiful world.
It’s about having the energy to live your BEST life.
It’s about modeling a lifestyle for your children that they will learn from and one day thank you for.
It’s about being around for your children… and your grandchildren.

Here is what I’ve come up with so far.  I truly hope that something in this post inspires you.

(even when it’s REEEEALLY hard!):

→ 1. SOME Exercise Is Better Than NO Exercise.

Running is better than walking.  But walking is better than sitting there watching Netflix while drinking a glass of wine.  The point?  Some exercise is better than no exercise.  

This has literally become my mantra.  Let’s face it… some days you’re just not feeling it.  On those days when I don’t have a killer workout, I remind myself of this little saying and it helps me stay grounded without feeling discouraged.  

Doing something is better than doing nothing.


→ 2. Counting Steps.

One of the easiest ways that I have found to easily burn calories is with a SmartWatch. 

If you don’t own one, I highly recommend THIS ONE!

It has hands down been the greatest item to help me stay fit.  It holds me accountable! It lets me count my steps every single day and then keeps track of all those steps so I can see how I’ve done for the past week and the past month, etc.  You’ll notice that getting those extra steps can really start to add up.  

Monday you’ll be jogging in place while waiting for your kids to put on their shoes.  

Tuesday you’ll be getting in those extra steps around the kitchen when you’re waiting for the hamburger meat to cook.  

Wednesday you’ll take an extra trip up and down the stairs when you’re grabbing laundry.

I’ve even played games with my children where they get their steps in too as we jog around the living room and high five each other as we pass each other.

Corny?  Yes.

But am I getting my steps in as opposed to sitting on my caboose??


By the end of the week, you’ll feel so accomplished when you’ve met your weekly goal!

→ 3. Eat Less.

Two words: smaller portions.  

When cooking dinner, after you’ve served up appropriately sized portions for everybody, automatically put up all the leftovers away before you start eating.  That way you don’t even have the CHOICE to go back to get more!

Split a meal with a friend or your spouse when you go out to dinner.  Or better yet, quit eating out altogether! I can’t tell you the amount of times when the server brings out an oversized meal and I end up overeating.  This isn’t something I would’ve done if I had packed my lunch! It’s easier to lose self control when you eat out!

And never, I repeat… NEVER eat ice cream directly out of the tub.  You’ll just be setting yourself up for failure with that one. (#SchwansChocolatePeanutButterCupIceCream)


→ 4. Drink Less.

Yep – liquid calories are sometimes sneakier than the solid ones.  Lemonade, iced tea, soda, wine, a cocktail… 

Is it worth it to drink this drink if it means I have to work out extra in order to burn off the calories?”

Bottom line is that WATER is the smarter choice.  Water is ZERO calories. You don’t have to do ANY working out to balance out the water you drink with your meals.  

The more you choose water, the more it’ll become a habit.  ((Plus, added bonus – it’ll save you money!))


5. Throw Out The Junk Food.  

No seriously though, don’t even think about it.  Just throw it away.  And then stop buying it!

Keep healthier snacks in sight so you’re still able to snack, but without all the extra calories. 

My Go-To Snacks:

(Click any of the images to purchase!)

6. It’s All About The Playlist.

One of the greatest ways to STAY motivated throughout a workout is to make sure you’re listening to the right music!  If you’re doing a workout that requires a lot of energy, then you need music to give you that energy! And I am a firm believer that the louder the music, the better the workout.  

There is nothing worse for me than listening to a streaming service and having to “SKIP” a song.  It takes my focus away from my workout and slows me down. I am an advocate of downloading music from iTunes and creating a personalized playlist.  That way, no matter what song is playing, I know it’s one of my favorites and it’ll help me get through my workout from start to finish.


7. Switch It Up.

Yoga.  Pilates.  Weights.  Cardio.  Group Classes.  Running.  Bicycling.  Swimming Laps.  Water Zumba.  Fitness Videos.  Pinterest Printouts.  A Personal Trainer…

Whatever you do, switch it up frequently so you do not get BOOOOOOORED!!!!  Also make sure you’re switching up what muscles you’re working each day so your muscles don’t get BOOOOOORED!!!! 

Boredom can lead to quitting.  Don’t quit!  Keep yourself engaged and excited about working out and being healthy.


8. Always Get Dressed.

When you’re not in the mood to work out, at least put on your workout clothes.  You’ll be more likely to work out if you’re dressed for it. You might actually be surprised at the sudden burst of motivation that follows!

“Well, I guess I’m already dressed… I might as well go ahead and work out.”


9. Make Sure You’re Comfortable.

Wear comfy workout gear… the breathable stuff.  And comfortable tennis shoes are a must! Use a headband to keep the flyaways out of your face.  Whatever it takes, make sure you’re comfortable. You don’t want “being uncomfortable” to be the reason why you stop working out.

The Most Comfortable Workout Shoes → Nike Tennis Shoes 

10. Workout When You’re Not “Working Out”.

Try to find ways to burn calories that aren’t typical “exercise”.  When it’s not labeled as “exercising”, it’s usually more bearable!  

Jumping on the trampoline with your kids, power walking back and forth to the copy machine at your workplace, don’t grab a basket at Walmart but rather hold all of your items, parking in the furthest away spot at every store you go to, taking the dogs on a walk, using the stairs instead of the elevator, going shopping (trying on clothes is great cardio!), playing Marco Polo in the swimming pool, etc.  

You’d be surprised by how many steps add up and how many calories you’re burning if you’re doing these sorts of things in your everyday shenanigans.

OH → and what if you only watched TV if you’re on the treadmill, stationary bike, or elliptical machine?!?  Suddenly the exercise part becomes something you WANT to do since you have an ulterior motive.  You won’t feel as guilty for binge-watching your favorite Netflix show! ((Jane the Virgin is my current personal motivation!))


11. Consistency, Consistency, Consistency!

For me, this one is KEY!  You have to find what works for you, and then continue to do it until it becomes a habit.  

I have found that working out in the morning is a must for me in order to maintain an exercise routine.  The morning is when I have more energy (of course I don’t feel very energetic when my alarm clock is buzzing!), and it puts me in such a good mood knowing that I’ve started my day off right.  

If I wait until night to workout, I’m always exhausted and worn out and tired and so often talk myself out of it. 

More importantly, when I work out in the morning, I know all day long how hard that workout was and how much effort I put into it.  This absolutely makes me more aware of what I’m eating and helps me say NO more often to the junk food since the workout is fresh on my brain.  

Find what works for you and then repeat it.  And then repeat it again. And then keep repeating it!


12. Buddy Up.

This one’s super simple.  Working out with a buddy makes it more fun.  Hands down.  

Find someone to walk with.  Find someone to take a class with.  Find someone to join a gym with. Not only is it more fun, but it’ll help you stay more accountable when someone else is depending on you being there.  

Some of my favorite work out memories are suffering through exercises with good friends!  (*and of course giggling a ton too!)

13. Keep It Simple.

Too much fancy equipment, and I’m overwhelmed.  Start small. Start simple. Then, build up to more.  Build up to more reps. Build up to a longer amount of time.  Build up to more variety.  

Do not expect yourself to be able to do it all at once.  Every day have a simple goal. And then every day, be better than you were yesterday.


14. Brush Your Teeth After Eating Dinner.

Seems so basic, right!?  But honestly, this helps me from eating dessert!


15. Track It.

I track every workout I do.  It holds me accountable. And I love the thrill it gives me when I look at my workout app and see how many workouts I have logged.  It definitely gives me a sense of accomplishment and helps me continue on.


16. Reward Yourself.

When you meet a fitness goal, reward yourself!  However, it should be a strict rule that the reward cannot be any type of food or drink.  

Instead, come up with a non-edible reward such as buying yourself a new pair of shoes, allowing yourself to binge watch an extra episode of your favorite show, or even better… make your reward something that will help you want to work out more such as that fabulous pair of workout leggings, a new cute water bottle, or sweat towels embroidered with your initials!


**** BOTTOM LINE:****


Instead of saying “I don’t have time” try saying “it’s not a priority”, and see how that feels.

Is your health a priority?  Are you a priority in your own life? 

Make time to workout. Make time for yourself.

Every day is a chance to love yourself more than you did yesterday.

Take this list and make a goal.  Don’t try to do it all at once.  I can’t handle doing all these things at once, and I’m the one who wrote the post!  Just choose one or two to start with and do the best you can.

#fitness #fitnessgoals #bebetterthanyesterday #workout #workingout #goals #makegoals #makefitnessgoals #behealthy #behappy #beconfident

Fitness Things That I Own and Love:

Garmin Smartwatch – Absolutely one of the GREATEST products I own!!!  I use it every.single.day.  This watch helps me stay accountable every day with how many steps I take, and then it tracks my progress over weeks and months.  I would HIGHLY recommend it!  ((Plus, it looks super cute with everyday outfits!))

Things On My FITNESS Wish List: